Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Thanksgiving Pie Post

I have Thanksgiving on my brain. This is a good thing because it is getting close to preparation time. I am not having a huge menu this year, but I am going to making almost everything from scratch instead of mixes and frozen pies. That is the plan. Doesn't mean it will happen, but for now, that is the plan. 

Today's mission was to find a great pie crust recipe. I have made great pie crusts, terrible ones, and many burnt ones. Last year, the pie crust ended up in the trash and I made a last minute run to the store for pre made crusts. I don't want a repeat of that this year, so I have been doing my pie crust homework. This means I headed to my favourite cooking blog Smitten Kitchen to see what pie making recipes and tips I could glean. 

The most important thing I learned from smitten kitchen and the other resources I researched was to keep the dough cold. I think this was my downfall last year. 

Butter or Shortening? That is the question.  What tastes better and what creates a flakier crust? It seems that the debate is a toss up. Some people swear by shortening and others do the same with butter. 

I think I used margarine last year. Gasp. This year, I thing I will use both and see which one comes out the winner. I doubt I will remember which one is better. I vote for the one I don't burn up in the oven.

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