Wednesday, June 29, 2011

4th of July Craft Round Ups

I have been skipping through all of my favorite caft and party websites and blogs collecting ideas for the 4th of July. Here are a few inspiration ideas. In a few days I MIGHT just have posts of my take on these red, white, and blue trinkets and decor!

1st up: Cute ribbon stars from Martha
Click HERE for the how to!
More from garland
Redvine Bundles By
How about these simple sweet firework inspired treats? Click HERE to head over to room to inspire and find out how they created these!
Fourth of July Wreath By
I am not a big fan of wreaths but I like this one from the folks over at ALL YOU
Patriotic Paper Lollies By
How about these fun table pretties? Click on over to makes and takes

and while you at that site, how about checking out the recipes they have!?! Fresh fruit ice cubes would be a fun fruity way to dress up  water or ginger ale!

Happy 4th !

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Inspiration: Patriotic Pizzazz

None of my latest projects have been photographed, so I won't be sharing them just yet. I have gathered some inspiration for a certain upcoming Holiday! So scroll through and be inspired.

Glass full of fireworks, anyone?
Wearable fireworks? HOT!
Not fireworks...but yummy flavors perfect for the 4th!
A Patriotic ride?
A little red, white, and blue?

Now, what are you inspired to make, do, or eat?

Monday, June 13, 2011

Crafting on the Web: Modpodge


I am sharing some of my favorite craft blogs and web sites. Today's share is an awesome site dedicated to...wait for it.....MOD PODGE. If you don't know what modpodge is or what it is this site will teach you all you need to know. Hop on over to learn more or scroll down to see a few fun modpodge projects that have been featured on the site.

Click HERE to visit Mod Podge Rocks....

Mod podged bracelets

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Cute Cake Round up: I want to make these!

Girl Monkey Cake! Super cute.
I found these cute cupcakes HERE. Wouldn't these be cute for a summer birthday party?
More monkey cake? Look close...that is a diaper cake. No cake and frosting.
I like the checkerboard pattern on this car cake. I know it looks simply enough for me to copy, but experience tells me that lining up those blocks is probably a lot harder than it looks. 

Monday, June 6, 2011

Sweet Craft Share

As I was drifting around visiting some of my favorite craft sites, I came across a great bracelet idea. I am planning to give this one a whirl. Head over to HERE to see these Popsicle stick bracelets. The decorating  possibilities are endless. I am thinking mod podge, deminsoinal magic, and lot's of sparkle!

Sweet Cakes

I was checking out one of my favorite cake sites and I nearly squealed with delight when I spied this cute My Little Pony cake. I can see myself attempting to replicate it. I can also see possible cake failure from that attempt, but, the great thing about cake decorating is that even if you mess up the cake you get to eat awesome cake.  Here is the cake: if you want to see more swing on over to Cake Wrecks to see more cake wrecks and awesome cakes: